Friday, January 9, 2015

Coming Soon The New YTFG Website

The Youth Transition Funders Group is kicking off 2015 with a new and improved website in January. Part of the new design is to have the Connected by 25 blog be based in the new site. As we prepare for the launch of the new site, Connected by 25 will be quiet.

However, we thought you might be interested in glancing at the most popular blogs. See you at the new site!

Is it Really Strategic Philanthropy If the Grants are One-Year?

Honest Conversations About Scaling and Sustainability

The Culture of Collective Impact by Paul Schmitz

AreWe Laughing Yet?

Getting Smart About Innovation Grants

The Tide Has Turned

Twisted Systems

Caught in the Middle: Children of Incarcerated Parents and the Intersection of Harsh Sentencing and Child Welfare Policies by Kathleen Creamer

The Importance of Spirituality for Foster Youth by Sue Badeau

Evidence-Based Practices aren’t the Only Tool in the Shed by Amanda Petteruti

EPICSchools: Putting Young Men of Color in the Center of the Design (Part 1) and Part 2

College Board Takes a Giant Leap Towards Fairness and Equity

Since When is it Criminal to be a Kid? by Maheen Kaleem

UN Calls Out US on Police Violence,Criminalization of Youth of Color by Tawakalitu Amusa

Suburbanization of Poverty

Implications of Suburban Poverty on Keeping Youth Connected

How is Philanthropy Responding to Suburban Poverty?

Reconnecting Youth – A Grand Strategy a la Early Childhood? by Andrew Moore

Mobilizing to Upgrade Education Accountability Systems

Black Holes in the Education Universe

The Summer of our Disconnect by Gary Kaplan

Maternity Leave?

The Power of Vamps and Debt Bunnies

Blurring the Lines

Miceli Speaks Truth to Power

What Has Happened to You?

Psychological First Aid

Treating Youth and Trauma by Cathy Weiss

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