Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Do Your City Leaders Need to Get Up to Speed on JJ?

My guess is that all the readers of Connected by 25 are pretty familiar with how to have a high quality juvenile justice system that is based on the principles of youth development. And my guess is that lots of our city and county leaders across the country don't realize that they are throwing public monies away when they rely on locking kids up as the only way to respond to delinquency. The National League of Cities' Institute for Youth, Education and Family Webinar Series on Juvenile Justice Reform might be the perfect way to help local leadership and their staff get up to speed.

Upcoming Webinar Series: Juvenile Justice Reform

City leaders interested in improving outcomes for youth and increasing public safety through juvenile justice reform are encouraged to participate in a series of webinars. Building on the success of the Juvenile Justice Reform Leadership Academy, the webinar series will:
  • Highlight locally-led community-based alternatives to arrest, prosecution and detention for youth
  • Provide concrete tools and guidelines for collecting and using data to drive city reforms
  • Will support cross-city sharing of policies, practices and ideas on these and other innovations 
Local leaders who participate in the webinars will join the growing Juvenile Justice Reform Peer Learning Network.

Welcome to Municipal Leadership for Juvenile Justice Reform
1:00-2:00 PM Eastern Time
Thursday, August 14, 2014
This webinar will introduce city leaders to the concrete contributions cities can make to juvenile justice reform. Soledad McGrath, Program Officer for Justice Reform at the MacArthur Foundation, and Marc Schindler, Executive Director of the Justice Policy Institute, will join NLC staff to outline city roles in juvenile justice reform and to discuss the importance of city leaders becoming engaged in the national movement to improve the juvenile justice system.

Diversion from Arrest and Detention using Juvenile Assessment and Service Centers
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time
Monday, September 8, 2014
Juvenile assessment and service centers can provide a key first stop for youth accused of status offenses or misdemeanors. Lake Charles (La.) Chief of Police Don Dixon will present the Multi-Agency Resource Center’s impact on youth, families, law enforcement agencies and public safety in Calcasieu Parish. In addition, Josh Peterson, Youth Intervention and Outreach Coordinator with the Minneapolis Health Department, will speak about the partnership among the city, schools, and county that enables the Juvenile Supervision Center to succeed.

City Roles in Data Collection and Sharing to Support Local Juvenile Justice Reform
Upcoming: October, 2014

Cities should collect certain key data elements from a variety of sources to assess the needs of local youth, and to identify the most effective way to respond to those needs.  Lourdes Rosado, Esq., Associate Director of the Juvenile Law Center, will discuss data collection priorities for cities and provide model agreements for sharing that data among partners in the juvenile justice system.

Key Data to Identify and Address Racial and Ethnic Disparities
     Upcoming: November, 2014

Cities can take a crucial and significant step toward reducing racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system by understanding the problem at a local level, sometimes even at the neighborhood level. Leaders from the Burns Institute will outline the essential data a city should collect to understand the racial and ethnic impact of existing policies and protocols, identify sources for the data, and provide analytical tools and strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, particularly for local law enforcement to use.

Peer Learning Network Meeting at Congress of Cities
Upcoming:Thursday, November 20, 2014

City leaders who participate in one or more Municipal Leadership for Juvenile Justice Reform webinars will also receive an invitation to join an in-person meeting of the Network during Congress of Cities in Austin, Texas. Register for NLC’s annual conference today!
For more information, please contact Laura Furr, Senior Associate for Juvenile Justice Reform, at 202-626-3072 or

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